
Who can participate in the affiliate program "OIOT.RU"

Shops. Earn money with us!

Who can become a dealer

If you are a store or online store:

  • hardware store
  • Plumbing store
  • Plumbing shop
  • gadget shop
  • consumer electronics store
  • shop for metering and automation devices
  • electronic shop
  • hypermarket

, write or call us and we will discuss your starting conditions!

Materials for promotion

We provide our partners with, and regularly update it in the future, a marketing selection with all the necessary materials:

  • price list
  • photos of equipment
  • flyer layouts
  • stand layouts
  • technical descriptions
  • instructions
  • presentations
  • logos, banners
  • certificates
  • calculator for calculating the system for an apartment building

Using these materials, you can present our products to a potential client or place them in an online store.

Become a dealer and get a special price

Affiliate discount depends on the volume of products sold by you. To get more detailed information and dealer price list, send an application for cooperation.

Cooperation for the management company, the DUK, the HOA, the housing cooperative

Elements of our system can be purchased and installed: by our company, by a partner company, by the management company, by the residents themselves.

Connected equipment

Our system in most cases does not require replacement of already installed metering devices, as it works with most types and brands of metering devices with a pulse output and RS-485 or CAN interfaces:

  • water meters
  • gas meters
  • heat meters
  • electricity meters

In addition, our controllers poll:

  • leakage sensors
  • temperature sensors
  • pressure sensors
  • Gas sensors
  • door sensors
  • and any other sensors with normally open or normally closed output

Some have a regular function of controlling electric ball valves for emergency shutdown of water.

Personal account of the management company

Employees of the management company are given a special level of access. It allows you to independently start new houses, apartments, users, without contacting our organization. take readings for a certain date for all apartments and much more within your company. You can find out what the personal account of the management company looks like by sending a request at the bottom of the page.

If your building already has apartments with our system installed, which the tenants purchased on their own, then they can be easily transferred to the general information space of the management company.

Get a Quote

In order to try our system, you do not need to automate an entire house or village. You can install our equipment for one or more objects.

For management companies and developers, we have special conditions for bulk purchases.


If you are engaged in one of the following activities:

  • installation of metering devices (water meters, electricity meters, heat meters)
  • Installing security systems
  • installation of fire and security alarms
  • CCTV installation
  • installation of leakage protection systems
  • husband for an hour
  • Plumbing
  • installation of boiler rooms

How it works

  • In the process of the current installation of meters, tell the client about the possibility of taking readings on the phone;
  • Invite old customers to expand the capabilities of previously installed meters with remote reading or leakage protection;

Cooperation Options

Sale of OIOT.RU resource accounting and control system equipment

You will receive a discount on the equipment produced by our organization, plus special prices for the equipment of our partners included in the kit.

Installing and configuring hardware

We pass on to our partners, customers who apply to us for the installation of equipment in your locality.